3 Day Update: I Never Had To Pee This Often When I Was Pregnant! (Weightloss Series)

Welcome back if your here following my journey to a happier, healthier and fitter me. And if this is the first blog of mine you are reading don't forget to read my previous post where I share my starting measurements.

So its been three days since I first measured myself, and four days since I decided it was time for me to change my lifestyle to better myself and be a better example for my two young children.

In these past three days I have made a conscious effort to dramatically improve the food I eat. I can say honestly that it has not been perfect in any way, but I'm not beating myself up. I'm trying to do better and not going to let little slip ups discourage me and make me give up. At the same time I'm trying to retrain my brain so these slip ups don't recur regularly.

So filling salads have been my main meal for the past three days, usually eaten mid afternoon when the kids are having their naps and I have a chance to both prepare my meal and not be harassed and half my meal stolen off me. So each salad has been slightly different but the main ingredients I use each time is a butt load of lettuce, 2-3 slices of red onion diced up, half an avocado and grated carrot. To these salads I have either added grilled chicken breast or stir fried pork strips. Then each time I make the salad I add what ever needs to be used up in the fridge, one day I used some left over roasted sweet potato, another day I added cucumber and cubes of cheese. I'm finding with the  volume of the salad from the lettuce I can only eat from 1/2 to 2/3 of the salad at a time. Which is great for when it comes time for dinner I add the left over salad to my usual small portion of whatever it is we are having that night.

I have also cut out my dairy intake to a degree. I'm guilty of drinking anywhere from 2-5 cups of coffee a day with full cream milk. I only had one coffee in the past three days and that was when a girlfriend bought it for me. I am finding my appetite is slowly increasing since cutting out the coffee.

I'm still not eating anywhere near as much as needed to be healthy. Or as often, I still don't eat anything until the afternoon, meaning I don't eat from 4 am till around 2-3pm. Which is horrible so in the next 3 days I'm going to work on having something for breakfast, even if its something tiny. It should be enough to start my metabolism and give me a bit of energy for the day.

Now let's talk about something tmi. These past three days I have been drinking between 2-3L a day and I have never in my life had to go to the toilet so often. Even when I was pregnant I never had to pee this often. But I have noticed that in just 3 short days my skin has cleared up so much. I'm not eating the butt load of salt I normally have. In not having much sugar at all. And overall I think I have done OK for someone with no idea what I'm doing. Honestly I'm just winging it day to day.

Now to touch on exercise that I have been doing. Its the charlotte's 3 minute bum blitz. I have done this DVD up to level 7 and level 9 on two of the nights after the kids have gone to bed. The other night was my cleaning scrub down day so I didn't bother with exercise with all the sweeping, mopping, washing, dishes and cleaning I did that day. Living in Australia  this time of year is hotter that living on the sun, so from the buckets of sweat I produced I figured it would suffice. Plus my bum was killing me. Sore bum from workouts plus needing to pee every 5 minutes don't mix well. Every time I sat on the toilet I sounded like a cow giving birth.

So now for my 3 day measurements. 15/12/17

"If you read my previous post I don't own scales so doing my measurements and results based off inches lost, how I look and feel."

Hips: 43.5

Waist: 34

Legs: 27

Arms: 13

Boobs: 39

So total combined loss of inches is 2.5 inches in three days. I have noticed my clothes are slightly more comfortable, mainly my pants.

So thank you again for joining me in my healthy and weight loss journey and stay tuned if you want to follow me. I'm still planning of updates every 3 days.

Remember to stay positive and motivated and will cya next time


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