I Stole From My Child!

I feel like a horrible mum now. Have you ever made or bought something for your child and ended up eating/using it yourself? Well I have, and I feel so guilty for it. I'm not talking about when you want something and try to convince your partner to allow you to buy it "for the kids" when really its for you. I do this with blankets, like oh we need more! when its really just to fuel my obsession with them. No i'm talking when you actually buy or make something for your children to actually eat/use and it doesn't work out.
I decided to make miss 16 month old some mini banana cupcakes so she could have an on the go snack ready or for when an impeding breakdown and tantrum is brewing. And it went well, I got my mini cupcake liners, pre heated the oven, made my batter 'cough' box mix. And added 1 fresh ripe banana. I baked them all and they turned out so tiny and cute. Ready for my kid. Well so I thought.

Out of 27 mini cupcakes, she only got two. I'm not normally a cake person but they tasted so good having real banana mixed through, so moist and moreish that in 1 and a half days I had managed to eat 25 of them. Its only once I ate the last one that I realised what I had done, I feel so guilty but at the same time happy I was able to bake something so well that my dislike for cakes was ignored.

So instead of these mini cupcakes for miss 16 month old, I have made some Veggie packed meatballs for her to have. And truthfully these went down better than the 2 cupcakes she managed to eat before the rest just 'disappeared'.

Follow me for my next blog giving the recipe for these veggie & chicken meatballs that were a massive hit with both my 16 month old and hubby. And no, this time I didn't eat them all, although they were very delicious. will defiantly make them again in bulk and freeze them.

 Also don't forget to check out my last few blogs
"Kid Friendly Infused Water"
"Flat Garlic Bread/Pizza Recipe"
"My Children Won't Sleep! SOS!"
"DIY Crayon For This Kid"
"I Don't Like Toys"
"I'm Not A Glamorous Mum"
"First Birthday Mishap"
"Hidden Veggies For The Win!!"

And as miss 16 month old likes to say


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