Frosted Marbled Cupcakes

Do you ever just get into a mood where your like. I feel like baking. Well that happened to me the other day, so I pulled out baking supply's and got to work. When I get in these moods I don't plan out what i'm doing and I just make it up as I go, sometimes it turns out great, and other times I regret my relaxed style and wish I had planned what I was doing. This time though, I was baking for hubby not the kids, so I didn't worry about sugar or colouring control. Hubby picked the flavour, having the choice between orange, strawberry, coconut, lemon and bubblegum. With the way I coloured these cupcakes you would think he choose the bubblegum but actually he chose strawberry. I'm glad I wast going to be eating them because artificial strawberry doesn't taste very good to me. So with my food colouring on hand I got to creating, and decided on pink, light green, blue and plain white marble/rainbow cupcakes. Now the frosting didn't work ou...